
Welcome to Mentally-Healthy. A free resource for the creative, media and marketing industry that’s been curated by a passionate group of individuals who are trying to help us all to be mentally healthier. You can find out more about the Mentally-Healthy Change Group here.
We created this online hub so that anyone in our industry can instantly find advice, support and information. The content you will find has been curated from expert individuals and organisations from across Australia and the world.
When we found out that more than half of our industry show signs of mild to severe anxiety and depression in our mentallyhealthy18 survey, our community sparked into action.
What you are seeing here is just one of the initiatives that has come out of the group. But, it doesn’t stop here. We hope this site will grow and evolve to become even more useful to you and the rest of our industry.
We welcome your involvement and contributions. Whether that’s content for the site, sharing resources you find here around your business or friends or reaching out with ideas and initiatives that we can take on or help support. Just submit anything you have on the contact us page.
While you’re here, please be sure to browse the resources section for a variety of guides, articles and videos from the likes of Black Dog Institute, Ahead For Business, Beyond Blue and more.
In the stories section you’ll find personal accounts of people’s experiences with mental health and how they’ve come through some challenging times. if you’re looking for inspiration, courage and some validation that you’re not the only one – this is the place to come.
If you’re a business owner or leader and are interested in improving the standard of mental health in your workplace, then visit the minimum standards section. The minimum standards are our version of a policy that you can commit to as a business. You can read advice on how to implement the standards and sign them so that your company name and logo can be displayed on
There will be plenty more to come in the future and we hope that the hub can help you whether you’re an individual that needs advice or a manager or leader trying to look out for your team.
Remember, if you need urgent help you can contact any of the below organisations for professional support.
If you, or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 000, visit your nearest hospital emergency or use any of the crisis helplines below.
National crisis numbers
13 11 14 - 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services. To find local services in your area use Lifeline's Service Finder.
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467 - 24/7 telephone crisis support for people at risk of suicide, carers and bereaved, as well as online resources and information.
Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800 - 24/7 telephone counselling for young people 5-25 years.
MensLine Australia
1300 78 99 78 - 24/7 telephone and online support, information and referral service for men.
1300 22 4636 - 24/7 telephone support service and online chat 4pm - 10pm (AEST).